How to Keep America’s Roads and Bridges from Crumbling

July 22, 2014 4:33 pm (EST)

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Last week, President Obama announced an initiative to ramp up investment in the United States's ailing infrastructure. The newly-established Transportation Investment Center is a one-stop shop at the Department of Transportation that connects state and local officials with tools to support private financing for infrastructure projects. In a new op-ed for Fortune, CFR Senior Fellow Heidi Crebo-Rediker argues that the program will help fill the 'knowledge gap' among state and local officials, and will facilitate greater private sector investment and more public-private partnerships, while still protecting taxpayers. In her March Policy Innovation Memorandum, "Infrastructure Finance in America—How We Get Smarter," Ms. Crebo-Rediker assessed how the Obama Administration could design an effective one-stop shop to enhance private sector infrastructure investment.
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